Matching Challenge Sample Social Media Posts & Tips

Social media platforms encourage sharing and reposting which can significantly expand your audience. In addition to asking for a contribution, ask your followers to help spread the word—the more people that share and repost your message, the more successful your campaign will be!

This resource focuses on the two biggest social media platforms for raising money, Twitter and Facebook, but can be adapted to work for other platforms as well.

If you prefer to learn by watching and listening, click here to watch a video training about the basics of social media fundraising. This includes many of the tips below. Then take a look at the sample social media posts below.

Tip #1: Include video or pictures along with your posts to help increase engagement and views. Some ideas for pictures and videos are:

  • Matching campaign graphics that we’ve created for you - you can download them here for Twitter and here for Facebook and Instagram. 

  • A picture of your group members at a rally, canvassing, or phone banking (pictures of virtual meetings work too!)

  • A brief video (no longer than about a minute) of a group member asking folks for their support

Tip #2: Customize your donation page settings. Take a look at your ActBlue page’s social share settings. You can customize the image and text that pops up along with your fundraising ask when you paste the ActBlue page link on social media. You can find more details here

Tip #3: Shorten your link. You can create a shorter link to your fundraising page via bitly or when you’re editing your ActBlue page (here’s how). This will help the post look cleaner and the link easier to share. 

Tip #4: Remember to keep your posts short. Shorter posts are easier to read, which means more people will click your donate link.

Tip #5: Keep posting about the match throughout the campaign. Not every follower sees every post, so you’ll want to post multiple times on each platform to make sure that folks see the posts. 

Sample Facebook Post 

{Insert photo or video to accompany text.}

Facebook Post #1: Extremism threatens to erode our democracy. Now more than ever, {Indivisible group} can’t back down from a fight.

All gifts made between April 1st and May 31st will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $500 total. Now is the time to support {Indivisible group} as we build our power and gear up for the rest of the year. Consider donating $5, $25, or more today! {Link to ActBlue page}

Facebook Post #2: Help {Indivisible group} build progressive power and fight dangerous extremism in our community by donating today.  All gifts made between April 1st and May 31st will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $500 total. {Link to ActBlue page}

Sample Twitter Posts

{Insert photo or video to accompany text}

Tweet #1: {Indivisible group} is committed to fighting extremism and building a representative democracy for all. But we can’t do it alone. Donate to {Indivisible group} now and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar. {Link to ActBlue page}

Tweet #2: So far this year / last year {Indivisible group} (insert concrete activity/achievements}. Donors make this work possible. And if you donate now, your donation will be doubled! {Link to ActBlue page}

Tweet #3: {Indivisible group} has big plans this year. We’re going to {insert things you’ll be working on}. But we can’t do it alone. Donate to {Indivisible group} now and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar. {Link to ActBlue page}

Tweet #4: Did you know that a donation of just $25 can help us fund a Facebook ad to recruit more community members to {Indivisible group}? Help us grow this year. When you donate now, your donation will be doubled! {Link to ActBlue page}

Tweet #5:  Did you know that {Indivisible group}’s work is funded by supporters? A donation of just $5 helps to pay for things like flyers for recruitment, water for rallies, and more. Your donation will be doubled if you donate now! {Link to ActBlue page}