ActBlue Donation Page Guide

When you join the distributed fundraising program, your group will get an ActBlue donation page where donors can give directly to your group. In this resource, you’ll find information about managing your group’s donation page, including how to log in, find donor information, edit your page, and more. 

Logging in:

(These are the first steps no matter what you’re doing in ActBlue. Always make sure you complete both of these steps first.)

  1. Go to to sign into ActBlue. 

    1. Use the email address that you use to manage your group’s donation page to log in. (If you’re not sure what that email address is, email 

    2. If you’ve forgotten the password, you can reset it. 

  2. When you’re logged in select  “Account” in the top right, then “Fundraising”.

Editing your donation page:

You can find details about editing your donation page here. Be sure to complete the login steps above first. Then, next to your donation page name, select “Actions,” - “Edit and preview.”

This is where you can do things like:

  • Edit the text on your donation page

  • Edit the preset donation amounts

  • Add or edit a goal thermometer

  • Add a pop-up to encourage recurring/monthly donations or increased donation amounts

  • Edit the “thank you” page text

  • Add a link where donors will be directed after their donation is complete 

  • Edit the text and image that appear when sharing your donation page link on social media

Accessing donor information:

  1. You’ll see a list that includes your fundraising page(s). Click on “Actions,” then “Form Statistics.”

  2. On the next page, click on “Additional tools.”

  3. Here you can either click “View detailed contribution list” to see donor information within ActBlue or “Download CSV of all contributions” to download a list and view it in Excel.

Finding your donation page:

Because of the way google searches work, your donation page will not always come up when you google your group name. For this reason, it’s important to make sure that all potential donors have the donation page url. If you’re ever not sure of the url, you can log in to ActBlue, select “Actions” - “Edit and Preview” - “More” - “Promote.”

Tracking where your donations come from:

Refcodes can be used to track which fundraising tactics are most successful. For example, did a donation come from an email or a social media post? 

You can find details about using refcodes here. Be sure to complete the login steps above first. Then, next to your donation page name, select “Actions” - “Edit and preview.” 

Optimizing your donation page with A/B testing:

An A/B test will automatically divide donors into two different versions of your fundraising page to test if one version results in more donations. Some of the things you could test are preset donation amounts, donation page text, recurring reminders, and more. 

You can find details about A/B tests here. Be sure to complete the login steps above first. Then, next to your donation page name select “Actions” - “Edit and preview.” 

Creating an additional fundraising donation page:

You can find details about creating additional fundraising pages here. Be sure to complete the login steps above first.

Things that aren’t possible with your donation page:

Because of the way that the program is structured, there are certain ActBlue features that are not possible with your specific donation page, such as event pages and embeddable forms. 

If you have a question about what you can do with your page or any of the instructions above, reach out to